Science Fun

The best way to give back AND save money this holiday season!

Posted On: 11 Nov

good-shop-picMark your calendars! November 30th is Goodshop Sunday: a special day for your supporters to buy gifts that give back to your cause.

Goodshop gets you and your supporters the best deals and coupons at 1,000s of stores, AND donates a percentage of your purchases to Science Fun For Everyone. On Goodshop Sunday, select stores are offering double donations and exclusive deals.

Goodshoppers nationwide are taking a pledge to buy a gift that gives back– and communicating that pledge with a photo of their fingers forming a heart (see below).


1) Take the pledge and share it on social media (be sure to use the hashtag #GoodshopSunday and tag @goodsearch too!)

2) Then use these resources to spread the word and get all your supporters involved too!

We’re excited to give back with our holiday shopping this year! Will you take the pledge and spread the word too?

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