Science Fun

Excitement at the Science Fun Lab! NEW Bearded Dragon Babies

Posted On: 24 Apr

New Family members arrived at the SCIENCE FUN For Everyone! Science Lab in Cary, NC today.

We are happy to announce that “THE BABIES ARE HERE, THE BABIES ARE HERE”!!

We had our first clutch of Bearded Dragon eggs (7 total eggs) started hatching yesterday. We have 3 new babies that have made it out completely and a 4th bearded dragonā€™s head poking out of the shell.

They are healthy, happy and adorable! After just 2 weeks we can start handling them a little more. Hoping the other 3 eggs will hatch very soon.
The new babies are going to love playing with the Science campers this summer!

Now we have to come up with new names for all the baby bearded dragonsā€¦

Any Name Suggestions?

Baby Bearded Dragons

Hatching out of Egg

Eggs and Babies

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